It is in the best interest of each business to set up a robust compliance program given the  evolving and complex regulatory landscapes. Increased regulation requires detailed and well-balanced in-house laws and codes of practice to eliminate the risk of failure to comply with legal regulations. Business is impacted by regulations from various legal areas also sometimes originally designed for sectors outside the company’s scope of activity.

Our law firm helps to identify threats, prepare in-house procedures and provides guidelines at the time of crisis. We approach our clients individually, analyze their needs and nature of the sector of business activity. The adequately identified legal regulations provide a framework for an entrepreneur to conduct a secure business activity. Relevant processes in place help avoid breaches and errors (e.g. procedure to verify counterparties, personal data security policy) and provide guidelines in emergency situations (e.g. whistleblowing).

Types of services provided by our law firm:

  • Compliance checks to identify risks;
  • Audits of internal regulations and procedures;
  • Development of client tailored procedures and in-house regulations;
  • Modification of existing procedures and in-house regulations;
  • Development of a whistleblowing system;
  • Implementation of a whistleblower protection procedure;
  • Support in business restructure if required;
  • Training sessions for managers and staff.


We have conducted numerous legal audits for companies operating in manufacturing or service sectors and for public sector entities. We have designed codes of conduct and in-house regulations for our clients.

We assist companies in high-risk undertakings by verifying potential risks and providing solutions and strategies. We also draft necessary documentation in the case of emergency.