
+48 61 654 98 00
polish, english
Izabela Hołubowska


Izabela Hołubowska is an attorney-at-law in the Commercial Contracts and Environmental Protection Team. As part of her professional practice, she supports the Firm’s Clients, particularly in contract review and ongoing legal advisory services. She provides legal assistance to entrepreneurs operating in both domestic and international markets.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan with a degree in Law, as well as form the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where she specialized in International Relations with a focus on Diplomacy and Consular Affairs. She is a member of the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Poznań.

She is a sports enthusiast who enjoys spending time actively, especially in the mountains.