Tax Advisor

Michał is an expert in the field of income tax, value added tax, excise tax and customs law.
As part of the cooperation with the law firm, he provides comprehensive services related to the ongoing tax services of its clients, he is responsible for the preparation and implementation of legal and tax strategies. He specializes in tax audits and due diligence, advises on company transformations and prepares legal and tax analyses of commercial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Its competences also include the preparation of transfer pricing documentation.
Michał actively represents taxpayers before tax authorities and administrative courts, helping, others, in obtaining binding tax interpretations.
He is a graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the field of Law and Administration. He gained his professional experience in tax institutions, such as the Tax Audit Office and the Tax Chamber in Poznań, as well as in leading global consulting companies.
Outside of work, Michał is interested in literature on the history of World War II, he is passionate about cinema and an active sports fan.