Our Law Firm provided CC PL Invest with comprehensive legal services with regard to an investment project consisting in the purchase of land and construction of a modern logistics center – intended for a leading European supplier of products in the field of gastronomy, hotel and mass catering: Chefs Culinar.
The investment includes facilities with a usable area of over 48 thousand square meters and a total internal volume of over 550 thousand square meters. The logistic center has production and storage space, office and welfare space, as well as utilities.
Sobczyńscy i Partnerzy (FSG Prawo) rendered legal services for the investor at the stage of the tender procedure relating to the purchase of land in Wiskitki near Warsaw and provided the investor with comprehensive legal services for the logistics center investment, including:
- preparation of documents and negotiation of a contract with a design office,
- preparation of tender documentation and negotiations with selected entities at the stage of selecting a general contractor of the investment project,
- preparation and negotiation of arrangements with local government units regarding access to utilities for the purpose of the investment project,
- preparation and negotiation of a final contract for the general contractorship with a leading European construction company selected by the investor,
- legal assistance at the construction stage required to obtain an occupancy permit for the investment project,
- preparation and negotiation of terms of contracts with suppliers of respective utilities as well as equipment of the logistics center, including the most modern refrigeration systems in the catering industry,
- assistance in the process of handing over the logistics center to the target company Chefs Culinar.
We invite you for a virtual journey through this modern facility.
Legal services for the investment were coordinated by attorney Michał Sobczyński, Managing Partner of the Law Firm, with the help of the following team: Łukasz Jankowski, attorney and Piotr Pawłowski, legal attorney-at-law.
Infrastructure and investments are one of our leading practices – we invite you to read a more detailed description of the law firm’s services.