16 May 2016

We are pleased to inform you that this year, among a group of long-term co-workers who acquire their professional experience in the law firm Sobczyńscy Adwokaci Sp. p., six trainees passed their professional exam and successfully completed a period of training for an attorney-at-law and a legal counsel. Following their solemn vows, the group of legal counsels will be joined by the legal counsel Alicja Gawlas, while the ranks of the Bar will be joined by Katarzyna Gohling, attorney-at-law, Marta Szczepaniak, attorney-at-law, Paweł Małkiewicz, attorney-at-law, Maciej Jankowski, attorney-at-law, and Rafal Kaszyński, attorney-at-law.

We wish prosperity to all new legal counsels and attorneys-at-law on their further career path!